Monday, October 4, 2010

What is America?

There is something new that I believe in: the power of cultural identity. My American pride gives me a real identity and there is so much more to be being American than big dreams.

Last night was the North American National Evening-a night where the USA and Canada gets to put on a show for the rest of the school about our culture. Jokes aside, the evening was fantastic. From reading the New Colossus to singing Wagon Wheel to introducing the audience to the monsters of America I think we really gave them a true taste of our beautiful country. Best of all, we ended the evening with a dance to the song 'Bad Romance' by Lady Gaga. To be frank-it looked almost professional. (I promise to put up the video of it soon)

Even better than ending the evening with an incredibly good feeling that we had done our country justice, I now have this bond with my fellow Americans. I have this second family here, and without them- I would be lost. Together we have all rediscovered what it means to be an American and that is a beautiful thing. We are a truly diverse group of students from all states and all walks of life-it's very American. Maybe in order to truly understand your own culture you have to leave your country.

Today, I am proud to call myself American.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it takes distance to see what it is that you really value...
